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ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Course (CQI/IRCA)-In-person

ISO 9001:2015 Lead auditor course is the ultimate certification forย  Quality Management System Assessors! Learn how to audit QMS against ISO 9001:2015ย standards in accordance with ISO 19011:2018. Upon successful completion, you will receive a CQI/IRCA Approved Certificate. You will also receive a certification issued by TCB as an IACET USA Accredited Provider with 4.0 IACET CEU for global recognition.

About Course-

This course equips the professional with the knowledge & skills required to plan perform and report and follow up a Quality management system audit against the ISO 9001:2015 standard in accordance with ISO 19011:2018.
The course CQI/IRCA Approved course is delivered as standard 5 days-40 Hours, 5 Weekends-40 Hours, 9 days customized (40 Hours) and comes with IRCA Approved Certificate and 4.0 IACET CEU, granted by TCB Cert. Worldwide LLC, an IACET USA Accredited provider as per ANSI /IACET 1:2018 standard.

Learning Process

This course is presented by TCB or its Approved affiliated Partners as fully tutor-guided in-person classroom-based Training. Upon registration, you will receive a set of standards for advance preparation along with an online examination link for your self-assessment and demonstrate your prior learning and readiness to join this professional-level certification course considered to be the highest qualification for the auditors

The delegated shall attend the full 40 hours tutorย  Tutor-guided sessions. The course can be customized to be presented in five, Six, or Nine days with shorter duration modules per day for the convenience of the learners. Upon successful continuous assessment based on their performance, contribution, and participation in the workshop, the learners will be enrolled for an online Computer-based examination directly conducted by CQI/IRCAย  within 30 days of receiving the link. The learners can practice online examinations for 30 days- up to 99 times to gain familiarity and time management skills. Within 30 days, the learners must write the final examination from their place of comfort.

The examination is OpenBook, The learners can refer to the standard, Notes taken during the course, and a dictionary. The learners can not use mobile phones and shall have no access to online resources, the Computer screen of the exam taker shall be shared and the entire examination is recorded by the CQI/IRCA by a state-of-the-art AI-driven proctoring system to ensure the integrity of the examination process. The learners shall be available on their webcam during the entire duration of the examination with a microphone. The exam duration is 1 hour 45 Minutes. For non-Native English speakers writing exams in English, 30 Minutes extra time is granted. There are five sections /modules and in all sections minimum Pass mark is 50% with an average score of 50% needed for successful certification. Within 10 days of writing the exam, CQI/IRCA notifies the result of individual learnersย  TCB. TCB shall issue the electronic copy of the Certificates to the learners within five business days. You may refer to TCB Guidelines for Online Examination on our YouTube channel for detailed information.

Course Objectives

This course is aimed at professional who wants to

  • ย Develop competence to plan, perform, report, and follow up Quality Management system audit as per ISO 9001:2015 in accordance with ISO 19011:2018 and ISO 17021 (Latest Standard) as applicable,
  • ย Participate/Lead First-party, second-party, and third-party audits on behalf of the certification bodies for the purpose of independent third-party certification.

ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor training -the ultimate certification for Quality Management System Assessors! Learn how to audit QMS against ISO 9001:2015 standards in accordance with ISO 19011:2018. ! Get IACET and CQI/IRCA approved Dual certification.


The Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) is incorporated by the Royal Charter in the United Kingdom. The International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) is a division of the CQI, UK’s professional body for quality management professionals was formed in 1984 as part of the UK government’s initiative to make industry and business more competitive through the implementation of Quality principles and practice. The most respected body in the world for approval of management system auditor training organizations and Training courses. A Chartered body promoting quality worldwide for 100 years!


The International Association for Continuing Education and Training has been the most respected accreditation body in the USA since 1968 IACET Accreditation is considered to be the most prestigious recognition in the USA which is undertaken as per the most stringent and rigorous process as per ANSI/IACET 1:2018- the US standard for Continued Education and Training. This gives IACET accreditation a global recognition of the highest order. TCB is an IACET Accredited provider and accredited to design and develop courses, administer training and award the IACET Continued Education Unit(CEU) which is recognized in the USA for maintaining professional recognition and status in the relevant field. TCB is an IACET Accredited Provider for Continued Education and Training Please refer to the most Elite List of IACET Accredited Providers in the world. Search for TCB, will find us there! Please have a look at Who Recognizes IACET Accreditation

Prior Knowledge Requirements

  • ย Purpose and benefit of ISO 9001:2015 standard, and
  • ย Familiarity with the requirement of ISO 9001:2015 standard

These areas of knowledge can be gained by attending anย ISO 9001:2015 foundation courseย offered by TCB online

Main Features

  • Course Introduction
  • ISO 9001:2015 Standard overview
  • Workshop Conformity Assessment
  • Workshop Adequacy Audit for QMS Documentation (Stage 1) as per ISO 19011 and ISO 17021
  • ย Audit Checklist. Workshop.
  • ย Roles and Responsibilities of Auditors
  • Introduction to audit-Process Approach Audit
  • Workshop- Audit Plan
  • Onsite Simulated Certification Audit (Stage 2) as per ISO 19011 and ISO 17021
  • Certification and Accreditation process
  • IRCA Registration Process
  • Written Examination using IRCA Question paper

Who Should attend?

Professionals aspiring to develop a career as an Assessor of QMS.

  • ย Top-level management personnel.
  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control Engineers.
  • Management Representatives of Internal audit teams who establish, implement & maintain QMS in their organizations.
  • ย Service professionals of any field.

Our Accreditation Certificates

QMS Lead Auditor

IACET Accreditation

CQI/IRCA Approval

Certificates and Badges You Achieve

Digital Badge &

TCB Certificate with CQI/IRCA Approval

TCB Certificate with IACET CEU

1. Introduction

1.1 Course Introduction-Self Learning
30 mins

Introduction and Welcome to QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Course

2. Evolution of Quality

3.Vocabulary Terms and Definition

Management System
Quality Management System(QMS)
3.5 mins
Quality Policy
3 mins
Quality Objective
3 mins
Context of an Organization
4 Min
Documented Information
1.25 Min
Measurement , Monitoring
5 Mins
Statutory , Regulatory Requirement
6 Mins
Review, Verification , Validation
10 mins
Audit, Non-Conformity, Correction and Corrective Action
7 Mins
Conformity and Non conformity
Correction , Corrective Action
15 mins
Quiz- Terms and Definition-Management System Common
14 questions
Workshop-Mix and Match-Terms and Definitions

4. ISO 9001:2015 Standard Interpretation and Overview

Purpose and Benefit of ISO 9001.2015 Standard
9 Mins
ISO 9001:2015 Model and 10 Element HLS-Overview
25 mins
1. Scope
3.5 Mins
2. Normative Reference
1.5 Min
3.Terms and definitions
1 Min
4.Context of the organization
35 Mins
20 Minutes
15 mins
7. Support
45 Minutes
8. Operation
15 minutes
9. Performance Evaluation
15 Mins
10. Improvement
15 mins
Conformity Assessment Case#1
Conformity Assessment Case#2
Conformity Assessment Case#3
Conformity Assessment Case#4
Conformity Assessment Case#5
Conformity Assessment Case#6
Conformity Assessment Case#7
Conformity Assessment Case#8-Audit Frequency
Conformity Assessment Case#9-Identify what has gone wrong and Indicate Clause No./s.
Conformity Assessment Case#10

5. Introduction to Audit

First Party Second Party Third Party Audit
15 mins
Audit Process flowchart (ISO 19011)
5 Mins
Audit Method
5 mins
Audit Parameters, Scope-objectives and Criteria
5 mins
Types of Audit-Certification-Surveillance-Renewal-Special Audits
10 mins
2 stage Audit Approach-Stage 1 Audit
8 mins
2 stage Audit Approach-Stage 2 Audit
5 Mins
Certification Audit Process Steps
Remote Audit
Special Audits-Extension/reduction of scope
Special Audits-Short Notice
Special Audits- suspension, withdrawal
Quiz-Conducting Audit
12 questions
WSE 3 : Adequacy of Documented Information-During Tutor Guided Live Sessions (Case study : Universal Motors)
WSE 4 : Auditing Top Management (Role Play During Tutor Guided Session

6. Auditors Roles and Responsibilities

7. Checklist

Check list, Advantage and Drawbacks
20 mins

Audit Check List

Advantage and Draw back
Audit Check list-Top Management Commitment
Prepare a Check list-Purchasing Process Cl 8.4
Prepare a Check List- Measuring and Monitoring Resource
Prepare a Check List-requirement for products and services Cl.8.2
Prepare a Check List-Product and Service Provision Cl 8.5
Prepare a Check List-Internal Audit Cl 9.2
Prepare a Check list-Nonconforming Output Cl 8.7
Prepare a Check List-Management Review Cl 9.3
Prepare a Check List-Improvement Cl 10

Audit Planning

Audit Planning process
15 mins
Audit Team Selection
30 Mins
Prepare an Audit Plan- Explained with Demo
20 Mins
Audit Plan Quiz
7 questions
Develop a Certification Audit Plan (Universal Motors )

9. Conducting Onsite Process Approach Audit ( During Tutor Guided Live Session )

To be practiced in Tutor Guided Session
-UMS Case study To be practiced in Tutor Guided Session
WSE 8. Control of Measuring and Monitoring Resources-To be practiced in Tutor Guided Session
WSE 9 : -Customer Related Process -External and Internal Communication
WSE 10: Procurement and outsourcing-To be practiced in Tutor Guided Session
WSE 11: Planning for Product Realization-To be practiced in Tutor Guided Session
To be practiced in Tutor Guided Session
To be practiced in Tutor Guided Session
WSE 14: Auditing Internal Audit Process-To be practiced in Tutor Guided Session
WSE 15: Prepare a Certification Audit Report-To be practiced in Tutor Guided Session
WSE 16: Close out Meeting Role Play-To be practiced in Tutor Guided Session
WSE 17: Follow Up Audit-to be performed during Tutor Guided Sessions

10. Certification and Accreditation

Certification and Accreditation
60 Min
Principles of Credible Certification
IAF , Accreditation and Certification Bodies Hierarchy
Credible certification process
Quiz Certification and Accreditation
4 questions
Briefly Explain the Importance of Confidentiality in an Audit
Briefly Explain Risk Based approach to Audit
Briefly Explain the evidence based approach to Audit

11. CQI/IRCA Registration Process

12. Written Examination

Register for CQI/IRCA Exam.
1.5 Min
CQI/IRCA Examination Process
7 mins
Yes, you will get a full refund as per the TCB cancellation policy, if canceled 2 weeks before the course
If the course is cancelled by TCB, then you get total refund.
Yes, your personal information remains safe and secure in compliance with our Privacy protection policy and GDPR
The certificate shall be issued by TCB Cert. Worldwide LLC as a CQI/IRCA Approved Training Partner. TCB shall also award a certificate and digital badge with IACET Accredited CEU as an Accredited Provider.
For the purpose of CQI/IRCA Registration , the certificate remains valid for 5 years.
CQI/IRCA publishes renewal criteria typically you need to attend a transition course, Maintained an Audit Log sheet (if you are involved in auditing) and CPD Log sheet, and s document your learning. The courses must be approved by CQI/IRCA. Please contact TCB for renewal .write to tsa@tr-cbl.com
Yes. Both the mode of training are approved by CQI/IRCA. The learning outcome remains consistent based on CQI/IRCA certification scheme. There is no difference in the certifications for Virtual , in-person as well as Blended ourses
He /she will get a Certificate of Attendance. A certificate of attendance is not acceptable to CQI/IRCA for granting registration. The delegates can write a retest exam within 1 year using a different Questions assigned by TCB
The exams are conducted in two methods, Paper Based examination is conducted for an in-person class. For virtual live training, TCB uses an online exam platform Class Marker. The online exams are proctored virtually live during the entire duration of the examination.
You can refer an only clear copy of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
All answers are Descriptive type. there are 4 sections. short answer, descriptive, and case for Conformity assessment. in each section minimum qualifying score shall be 50% and an average of 70% covering all the four sections
Yes, you will be given 30 min extra time If your first language is not English and you write the examination in the English language.
He /she may be given an extra time of 30 min based on a reasonable adjustments process as allowed by TCB accreditation authority. The reasonable adjustment shall be requested in advance with the doctor's prescription or an advice
A clear copy of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard can be referred to during the examination.
TCB tutoring team will inform and familiarize you with the examination process and marking guides during the course. You will be given a chance to write a mock examination as per CQI/IRCA guidelines using a sample question paper. You will be familiarized with Classmarker based online examination befoe the final examination is conducted
Good internet connection, Laptop/Desktop with the camera. A quiet noise-free comfortable place /work station is highly recommended.
The Exam will automatically end and be submitted after time gets over in the virtual examination.All the answers will be saved automatically and you will receive a notification
You have to contact the Training and service Administrator of TCB immediately You can continue the examination if there is no power failure at your end and the connection will be re-established using emergency power backup
You will get an email from TCB once your marking is completed by two independent markers.T
Typically the certificates are issued within 10 working days of the examination and no later than 15 working days
You can collect it from TCB office or It can be sent by registered post at your address, For Virtual courses, the hard copies are couriered based on the exact fees to be paid by the delegates.Digital certificates are issued within 10-15 working days
You may write an e-mail to tsa@tr-cbl.com with a copy to tutor@tr-cbl.com

Join our Next course

Virtually Live Instructor-Led Training

World Quality Day Special Course

Nov 10, 2023 to Nov18,2023,

5 PM to 9.30 PM AST (GMT+3)

To register please send an email to tsa@tr-cbl.com

Join our World Quality Day Event on Nov 09, 2023

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Training Schedules

Start Day Start Time
End Day End Time
Country City Venue Training Mode Pay&Register
6.01.2025 09:00
10.01.2025 17:00
Egypt Cairo TBA In-person
13.01.2025 09:00
17.01.2025 17:00
Egypt Cairo TBA In-person
2.05.2025 09:00
6.05.2025 17:00
Qatar TBA Ramada In-person
16.06.2025 09:00
20.06.2025 17:00
USA Houston Sheraton In-person
27.01.2025 09:00
31.01.2025 17:00
Nigeria Lagos TCB Nig In-person
24.03.2025 09:00
28.03.2025 17:00
Nigeria Lagos TCB Nig In-person
19.05.2025 09:00
23.05.2025 17:00
Nigeria Lagos TCB Nig In-person
21.07.2025 09:00
25.07.2025 17:00
Nigeria Lagos TCB Nig In-person
Enrolled: 17 students
Duration: 40 hours
Lectures: 51
Level: Professional



Become an Instructor

Become an Instructor:

Ideal for those capable professionals having outstanding subject knowledge and competence meeting TCB Criteria. and passion to train on behalf of can join us as an Approved Tutor. You will receive remuneration for the training where certification and administrations will be controlled by TCB. You will receive online access to TCB resources for training purpose.

You will be able to use TCB Logo as TCB Approved Tutor in your promotional materials including personal websites if you have one. You cannot advertise yourself to be approved by TCBโ€™s Accreditation and Approval Authorities e.g IRCA.

You can deliver both Virtual as well as in-person classroom-based training.For each Training you will be provided with an assignment based on Course run request.

Qualification Criteria: Please contact us to have greater understanding of our requirement and remuneration model.

(Must be fluent in English)

(Please combine PDF copies of relevant certificates if needed)

Quality Pledge:

1. I pledge to offer training with Zero tolerance to compromises fully in compliance to TCB Procedure and requirements developed as per the criteria set by its accreditation bodies

2. I will give my best to add value to the learners and the organization by offering training that meets best industry standards

3. . We will endeavour to enhance the name and reputation of TCB and Its accreditation bodies

4. I will fully cooperate with TCB in any investigation process just in case there is any compliant or appeal

Be a Marketing Partner

Become a Marketing Partner :

Ideal for those organizations with good market knowledge and ability to promote however does not have internal resources. e,g Competent tutor meeting TCB Criteria. You may join us as a marketing partner and share revenues while the training will be fully controlled by TCB.

You will be able to use TCB Logo as TCB Affiliated Partner in your promotional materials including websites. You cannot advertise your organization to be approved by TCB Accreditation and approval Autthorities. You can promote both Virtual as well as in person classroom-based training.

Quality Pledge:

1. We pledge to organize training with Zero tolerance to compromises fully in conformity to TCB Procedure and requirements developed as per the criteria set by its accreditation bodies
2.. We will endeavour to enhance the name and reputation of TCB and Its accreditation bodies.
3. We will fully cooperate with TCB in any investigation process just in case there is any compliant or appeal

Be a Training Partner

Become a Training Partner:

Ideal for those organizations with good market knowledge and ability to promote training with capable internal resources. e,g Competent tutor/s meeting TCB Criteria to deliver training in your approved jurisdiction . You may join us as an Affiliated Training Partner while the training will be promoted and conducted by you while certification and course administration shall be controlled by TCB.

You will be able to use TCB Logo as TCB Affiliated Training Partner in your promotional materials including websites. You cannot advertise your organization to be approved by TCBโ€™s Accreditation and Approval Autthorities

One of the advantages is that your organizational Logo will appear in the certificates issued to the learners by TCB as the Affiliated Training Partner delivering the training.

In this arrangement you will pay a course levy fees to TCB which includes Examination fee per candidates.

This arrangement is applicable only for in person Class either in classroom, Clientโ€™s premises and hotel as applicable. Virtual Training cannot be provided by the affiliated Training partners.

Quality Pledge:

1. We pledge to organize training with Zero tolerance to compromises fully in conformity to TCB Procedure and requirements developed as per the criteria set by its accreditation bodies
2.. We will endeavour to enhance the name and reputation of TCB and Its accreditation bodies.
3. We will fully cooperate with TCB in any investigation process just in case there is any compliant or appeal

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