Corporate Policies

TCB  is committed to elevate itself as a world class organization to offer Management System Assessment & Certification, Management System Training & Certification of persons and Quality Verification & Certification Services for Products and Projects meeting highest degree of professional standard, in most ethical manner with absolute neutrality.

Integrated Management System Policy

TCB Cert. considers any stake holders who relies on its certification as it’s customer and shall remain morally responsible to meet direct and indirect customers needs and expectation and strive to continually improve upon it’s overall service quality and performance.

TCB Cert. shall constantly endeavor to develop competence of its people, inculcate positive behavior towards quality, prevent accident and ill health and demonstrate transparent commitment towards Safety and our Environmental obligations.

Everyone in TCB shall remain respectful to local customs and Social expectations and ensure compliance to applicable Statutory and Regulatory requirements in the countries of its operation.

Company shall establish measurable Objectives in Corporate and relevant functional level and constantly monitor achievements against set targets and goals to ensure the organizational needs and demands of customers and stake holders are fulfilled.

Our Values and Ethics

We want to create an organization of outstanding market reputation built up on sound business ethics and values. To this end we shall uphold the following Values and code of ethics:

    1. Respect clients and its representatives as focal point of attention
    2. Held Company and its interest on top. Never act in a way that directly or indirectly affects the company business and reputation. Serve the organization with honestly and integrity.
    3. Promote company business and importance of offered services on community and society .
    4. Never undermine business competitors in any forum and indulge in negative marketing.
    5. Respect individuality and humane aspects of every individual and colleagues .
    6. Maintain confidentiality of information of the organization and that of clients at all times.
    7. Demonstrate transparent commitment and respect to social culture and Values of the home country including compliance to Statutory and Regulatory requirement of the client and the country.
    8. Treat Employees with equality regardless of their gender, religion or any other racial considerations.
    9. TCB shall not be involved in any business activities which may jeopardize its neutrality and impartiality and create any conflict of interest as an independent inspection, verification and certification body for product and personnel and management system certification. To this end TCB shall ensure full compliance to international standard practices and those required by its approval authorities in an honest and transparent manner.

Equal Opportunity Policy

It is the policy of TCB to offer equal opportunity to all its employees, as well as all its applicant/ students for the requested training programs without any discrimination regardless of their gender, ethnicity, caste or creed, religious or any other personal matters including any physical challenges and disabilities unless such personal limitations limits their ability to perform the intended task for which training is provided and/or certification is granted.

In case of any unsuitable conditions limiting the certification, the applicant shall be advised of TCB decisions with due care and humane consideration.

The above would be the underlying principles before enrolling any applicant requesting for any training.

Confidentiality and Data Protection Policy (Privacy Policy)

It is the policy of TCB to consider all customer related information as classified and confidential. No one in TCB shall disclose any personal information about customers and learners such as personal contact number, email details including their participation in TCB’s training programs without written permission of the concerned customers/learners.

Results of internal evaluation and examinations shall never be disclosed to any third party unless officially authorized by the customer/students

In case of corporate nominations, results may be sent to the concerned officials and their names / designation shall be included in the contract between TCB and its customers/students.

All employees of TCB shall be bound by confidentiality agreement which is a legally enforceable document

All in TCB shall demonstrate high degree of professional code of ethics to elevate it as a world-class organization

Learners’ personal information including training records shall be maintained in password protected folder with data backup, in password protected computer server, with authorized access and maintained for three years as a minimum.

TCB Learners /Customers may request release of their information or transcripts directly to TCB Certification Scheme Director . Any interested parties (e.g prospective employers ) may send such requests for verification of authenticity of the certifications through the certified persons. Information provided to any such interested party shall also be provided to the concerned certified persons .

When accredited certification are granted with accreditation body’s /Approval authority’s name and logo ,the certification is governed by their  rules and TCB is subjected to audit / monitoring and in this process the information of the learners shall be accessible to such authorities. However the accreditation  authorities maintain high degree of processional standing and keeps all such information confidential . As a part of the quality assurance process, the authorities may contact the learners for verification of course related information and feedback on  the quality of training services offered by TCB

Complaint and Appeal handling Policy

TCB shall endeavor to offer services to ensure delight of its stakeholders, customers/ students to elevate it as a world-class organization, however, in the event of any complaint due to any dissatisfaction, TCB shall take prompt action to address and resolve them in reasonably expected timeframe. TCB has made its complaint and appeal handling policy and procedures available in its website which is accessible to public for ensuring transparency.

Any stakeholders associated with TCB’s training services can raise complaint for any defaulted services or appeal against any decisions made by its tutoring or evaluation team and its affiliated organizations offering training services.

The complaints or appeals shall be received at the highest level of the organization responsible for the services and TCB shall respond to such complaints within six weeks once the complaint is made with verifiable evidence to trace a complaint or appeal.

In case the complainant does not receive any response from TCB within six weeks, they would reserve the right to write to TCB’s approval/accreditation authorities whose identity shall be made known to every individual participants during the training.

TCB shall treat the complaints or appeals with absolute fairness and transparency, without any discriminatory attitude towards the applicant even if the complaint is made against TCB or its affiliates for any decisions and take appropriate action with highest degree of professionalism.

TCB shall extend fullest cooperation to its approval/accreditation authorities in the event any investigation process is initiated as a result of any complaints received from any TCB stakeholders

Intellectual Property Right Policy

TCB shall endeavor to offer services using materials and training materials developed with its own knowledge and competence with full rights for use and shall preserve integrity of copy rights of other reference materials if used with license

It is the policy of TCB to develop its own materials based on the training and competence needs it identifies and validate to assure the desired outcome is achieved prior to delivery

TCB may use materials, pictures and instructional materials including international standards that it has obtained license to use for the purpose of training and under no circumstances shall use unauthorized materials developed by any other third parties without license or agreement to use.

Any standards or copy right protected materials issued to learners for the purpose of training shall be loaned and must be returned to TCB after the completion of the training for protection of international copy right.

Malpractice Policy

TCB shall ensure an effective process in place to ensure any malpractices  with regards to its Training and Certification prevented . It shall be made known to its delegates in advance and shall form part of mutual obligation to uphold this policy. The compliance to this policy shall be undertaken peridically, atleast once a year or when any breach is suspected. This will be part of TCB’s Compliance obligation.

What constitutes malpractice?

Any deliberate activity, neglect, default or other practice that compromises or could compromise the assessment process, the integrity of a CQI and IRCA Certified Course,or its other accreditation authorities of TCB such as NEBOSH IACET.  the validity of a result or certificate, or the reputation and credibility of the CQI, and CQI and IRCA Certified Courses”.

Malpractice includes issues such as deliberate falsification of records in order to claim certification, cheating in examinations , impersonation. Plagiarism and unethical conduct by ATP staff, tutors, branches or subcontractors. Malpractice also includes failure by the ATP/Accredited Provider to:

• Investigate allegations and suspected malpractice and notify the CQI promptly

• Co-operate with the CQI’s investigations

What Constitutes Malpractices by the Learners

• Impersonation of another learner- arranging someone else to write an examination on behalf of the real learner (Impersonation)

• Being in possession of confidential material in advance of the examination, e.g. examination question paper, model answer or marking guidance

• Being in possession of materials not permitted in the examination room, e.g. notes, books, dictionaries/ calculators (when prohibited), blank paper, mobile phones, smart watches. Possession of such materials will be considered to be malpractice whether or not the learner uses them, or the information contained within the materials is relevant to the examination being sat

• Communicating with other students in the examination room in breach of CQI examination regulations

• Copying the work of another student or knowingly allowing a student to copy from his/her own work.

• Working collaboratively with any other student(s) by whatever means during examinations

• Inappropriate, offensive material in examination scripts

• Plagiarism or misrepresentation of learner’s work

• Failure to adhere to the published CQI examination regulations or other accreditation authorizes e.g IACET,

• Failure to adhere to instructions given by an examination invigilator in relation to the examination regulations, e.g. continuing to work beyond the allotted examination time, refusing to hand in the examination script and/or examination paper when requested, not adhering to warnings relating to conduct during the examination, Disruptive behavior (including offensive language and aggressive/violent conduct) in the training and examination venue

• Tampering with, or forgery of, results documentation, including certificates

we expect our learners to demonstrate highest degree of professional code of ethics and fully comply with our malpractice policies

Maladministration Policy

TCB Top Management shall ensure a robust  process in place for administration of Training and Certification services and prevent Maladministration.

Maladministration may include any actions, neglect, default or other practice that results in TCB not complying with the CQI’s ATP criteria and requirements as specified in the ATP Quality Handbook”. This could be due to mismanagement, incompetence or inefficiency on our Part.

We commit ourselves to take all measures and processes to ensure proper administration of Training services to meet and exceed the expectation of our Learners, customers and Approval authority and Accreditation Bodies

Policy on recording Virtual Instructor Lead Training sessions

For the purpose of Quality Assurance and Supporting Learners suffering connectivity due to weak internet etc, the sessions run by TCB shall be recorded . The learners shall be informed in advance for their  consent /permission if appropriate. in case a participant does not want to remain in the recording in video, they must be available on audio and ensure they are full time present and demonstrate their understanding of the lessons taught .

This video shall be used only for the purpose of training and available to TCB’s accreditation/approval authority such as CQI/IRCA. This  policy has been  shall be cross referred in the course joining instructions, and must comply with any local regulations, e.g. GDPR.

We agree to record virtual classroom sessions and make these available to our clients for  inhouse or exclusive corporate training  course, provided the appropriate permissions and data protection requirements are in place.

Individual learners are not permitted to make any recordings.

Policy on use of webcams

By default, tutors and learners will always have their webcams turned on at the start of each VILT session and preferably for the duration of the course unless internet speed poses some constraint and communication. as a minimum every time when learners are requested to come online , the learners shall activate their mobile camera . Full time presence is mandatory  to ensure desired level of learning  performance . Engagement shall be monitored. Learners during examination must keep videos and audios open during the entire examination which shall be photographed and video recorded. Learners who has objection to keep the video camera activated during examination shall not be allowed to take an examination administered by TCB

Cancellation Policy

It is quite possible that you may change your mind after your purchase -for whatever reasons. Purchased products may include products from TCB Online store, a training program or even an examination online . Depending on the types of the product we have developed our cancellation and refund policy in a fair and equitable manner

Physical Products such as a book or a Tee shirt .

You may get a refund if there is any defect in the received products  or any condition that makes the product unsuitable for use , a full refund shall be made. However  if used once, the  product should not be returned back. The refund shall be made once the product has been received in our store

Digital Products

Once a digital products such as an ebook  or electronic document is purchased , unfortunately no refund can be made . We sincerely request the buyers to review the content before purchase is made

Training Services

Due to any unforeseen reasons  or constraints if you cancel your registration 15 days  before the course date,  10% of the  course fees shall be deducted towards administration charges and you will receive 90% of the fees received in TCB account shall be  refunded . Banking charges for transfer shall be in your account. Kindly note that based on your confirmation we finalize logistics such as hotel , Course venue , business center etc. ., therefore  If the cancellation is made within 14 days of the scheduled  training commencement date-no refund shall be made, You may however nominate another person in your place which we will welcome provided the person meets prior learning requirements.

No deduction will be made in case you join the same course from TCB on a subsequent date. The training fees shall be retained by TCB without any interest.

In case of cancellation of a confirmed course by TCB and/or its affiliates, full amount of money received shall be shall refunded  if requested by the participant in full or adjust against any future program if agreed by the learners. No administrative fees shall be charged. However, the books and materials provided shall be returned to TCB. Books and Materials shall be in good order so that this can be issued as a fresh material to another participant or else the cost of the book may be deducted. USD 25 shall be deducted towards the digital materials transmitted to the learners as study materials.

Online Examination

Because of the small amount of fees charged for online examination and automated certification process, no refund may be made for economic viability considering the bank charges and foreign exchange/currency variation . The learners may request for transfer of  the fees to another person within 15 days before the examination date after which no refund or transfer  can be made.

General Terms and Conditions of Services

  1. Your confirmed request for  training should reach us preferably 7 days before the Course date with full /part payment as agreed for individual candidates or confirmed order in case of corporate nomination. Once seminar registration form is received, an invoice shall be sent to the nomination authority for affecting payment.
  2. Full attendance of the training for the entire duration is a mandatory requirement for certification for tutor guided and blended courses. You would appreciate the Punctuality is of paramount importance to us for granting IACET CEU or successful completion. No partial CEU is allowed for attendance in part of the course. Refer the respective course brochure for applicable CEU points.
  3. The Course/examination dates are subjected to change in case of inadequate number of Participants.
  4. The course /Examination venue is subject to change considering availability.
  5. Certificate of Successful Completion or Certificate of Attendance shall be issued within 30 days latest.
  6. Study materials/relevant standards copies can be provided upon completion of the registration along with the payment when Training is a part of Certifications offered. Hardcopy of printed students’ materials or e-copies shall be transmitted to the learners for printing at their end at least one day in advance.
  7. The course materials and case studies are TCB’s intellectual property and copy right protected and issued to the learners for educational purpose. These documents shall not be used, shared, copied in part or full under any circumstances which shall be considered a material breach of trust.
  8. Course registration Form should be duly signed and may be transmitted thro fax or email and constitute agreement for payment and all terms of training and certification.
  9. The certificate is subject to the rule of TCB certification and use of certificates and code of conduct.
  10. The Lead auditor certificate shall be issued for validity of 5 years for IRCA registration.
  11. Any example and discussion on Religious and Political matter must be avoided during training sessions.
  12. TCB Certified Professional must abide by code of ethics and degree of professionalism to maintain and Uphold the integrity of the certification, reputation of TCB and its accreditation and approval authorities and shall not make improper claim of certification.
  13. The granted certificate remains to be a property of TCB Cert worldwide and granted to the certified person upon fulfilling initial certification requirement. In the event of any unlawful use of this certificate or inappropriate professional behavior, the certificate must be returned when request by TCB and the persons shall cease to claim certification if it is revoked.
  14. TCB Training or a Training by any of its Approved Affiliate would not provide any additional advantage to the applicant in the independent certification process which shall be administered independently as per ISO 17024 .
  15. Upon Certification you can use TCB Certification Logo in your professional profile.
  16. Certified person shall not undermine the reputation of TCB, it’s Accreditation Bodies and Its certification process.
  17. Certified person shall not misuse the Certification granted in a wrong manner willfully and cease to use certified status when the certification is revoked.
  18. Once requested by TCB for a proven /established misuse of certificate, code of ethics which seriously threatens the reputation of the certificate, the certified person shall return the certificate to TCB with no claim of compensation or refund of certification fees.
  19. Candidates shall not carry their own study materials or any other open source of information in the examination hall and abide by the rule of examination.
  20. Successful candidate completing TCB Lead Auditor course may use: successfully Completed Auditor/ Lead Auditor Qualification approved by IRCA however shall not claim that they are Registered by CQI/IRCA as auditor.

M S Ray

Chief Executive Officer

Become an Instructor

Become an Instructor:

Ideal for those capable professionals having outstanding subject knowledge and competence meeting TCB Criteria. and passion to train on behalf of can join us as an Approved Tutor. You will receive remuneration for the training where certification and administrations will be controlled by TCB. You will receive online access to TCB resources for training purpose.

You will be able to use TCB Logo as TCB Approved Tutor in your promotional materials including personal websites if you have one. You cannot advertise yourself to be approved by TCB’s Accreditation and Approval Authorities e.g IRCA.

You can deliver both Virtual as well as in-person classroom-based training.For each Training you will be provided with an assignment based on Course run request.

Qualification Criteria: Please contact us to have greater understanding of our requirement and remuneration model.

(Must be fluent in English)

(Please combine PDF copies of relevant certificates if needed)

Quality Pledge:

1. I pledge to offer training with Zero tolerance to compromises fully in compliance to TCB Procedure and requirements developed as per the criteria set by its accreditation bodies

2. I will give my best to add value to the learners and the organization by offering training that meets best industry standards

3. . We will endeavour to enhance the name and reputation of TCB and Its accreditation bodies

4. I will fully cooperate with TCB in any investigation process just in case there is any compliant or appeal

Be a Marketing Partner

Become a Marketing Partner :

Ideal for those organizations with good market knowledge and ability to promote however does not have internal resources. e,g Competent tutor meeting TCB Criteria. You may join us as a marketing partner and share revenues while the training will be fully controlled by TCB.

You will be able to use TCB Logo as TCB Affiliated Partner in your promotional materials including websites. You cannot advertise your organization to be approved by TCB Accreditation and approval Autthorities. You can promote both Virtual as well as in person classroom-based training.

Quality Pledge:

1. We pledge to organize training with Zero tolerance to compromises fully in conformity to TCB Procedure and requirements developed as per the criteria set by its accreditation bodies
2.. We will endeavour to enhance the name and reputation of TCB and Its accreditation bodies.
3. We will fully cooperate with TCB in any investigation process just in case there is any compliant or appeal

Be a Training Partner

Become a Training Partner:

Ideal for those organizations with good market knowledge and ability to promote training with capable internal resources. e,g Competent tutor/s meeting TCB Criteria to deliver training in your approved jurisdiction . You may join us as an Affiliated Training Partner while the training will be promoted and conducted by you while certification and course administration shall be controlled by TCB.

You will be able to use TCB Logo as TCB Affiliated Training Partner in your promotional materials including websites. You cannot advertise your organization to be approved by TCB’s Accreditation and Approval Autthorities

One of the advantages is that your organizational Logo will appear in the certificates issued to the learners by TCB as the Affiliated Training Partner delivering the training.

In this arrangement you will pay a course levy fees to TCB which includes Examination fee per candidates.

This arrangement is applicable only for in person Class either in classroom, Client’s premises and hotel as applicable. Virtual Training cannot be provided by the affiliated Training partners.

Quality Pledge:

1. We pledge to organize training with Zero tolerance to compromises fully in conformity to TCB Procedure and requirements developed as per the criteria set by its accreditation bodies
2.. We will endeavour to enhance the name and reputation of TCB and Its accreditation bodies.
3. We will fully cooperate with TCB in any investigation process just in case there is any compliant or appeal

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