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Lean and Six Sigma Yellow Belt

About Course-

This course Equips delegates with knowledge of Lean and Six Sigma. Successful participants will gain knowledge and competence to participate as a Team member and be involved in the review of Process Improvements to Implement a Six Sigma projects.

Who should take this course? 

Managers, Engineers, Technical Experts, Operational Leader Consultants who need to drive improvement initiatives in an organization should attend the course to develop a Foundational understanding of various improvement processes.

Course Details

This course has been designed in accordance with TCB certification scheme and benchmarked with international Leading Certifications.  

Training Program Outline

1. Six Sigma & Quality

2. Basic Statistics

3. DMAIC Methodology Overview

4 .Define Phase: Example of Tool Project Charter,

5. Exercises and Quiz 


Main Features

  1. Six Sigma & Quality
  • ย  Define Six sigma and Quality
  • ย  Understand what Six Sigma Value ย 
  • ย Overview of Quality Approaches
  • ย  How Six Sigma Philosophy and Goals should be applied?
  • ย  Six Sigma Metrics
  • ย  Sigma History
  • ย  Six Sigma Thinking
  • ย  Role of the Yellow Belt.

2. Basic Statistics

  • ย  Basic Statistics and Calculations
  • ย  Measures of Centering
  • ย  Sample Mean for a Distribution
  • ย  Sample Median
  • ย  Measures of Spread
  • ย  Standard Deviation


What is the target audience?

Eligibility Requirement:

Learners shall preferably be a bachelor’s degree in Engineering or any discipline with science with mathematics with or without hands-on experience is highly preferred. 

1-year work experience or exposure to the project, vocational training, etc is highly recommended and preferred.

Must have good knowledge of English language with command in written and verbal communication skills as the medium of course and examination are English

Our Accreditation Certificate

IACET Accreditation

Certificates You Achieve

Lean and Six Sigma Yellow belt certificate

Training Program Outline

Six Sigma & Quality
Define Six sigma and Quality
Understand what Six Sigma Value is
Overview of Quality Approaches
Six Sigma History
Six Sigma Thinking

Role of the Yellow Belt

Basic Statistics

Basic Statistics and Calculations
Measures of Centering
Sample Mean for a Distribution
Sample Median
Measures of Spread
Standard Deviation

DMAIC Methodology Overview

Define Phase: Example of Tool Project Charter

Exercises and Quiz

If course is cancelled by TCB, then you get total refund.
There is 5 years validity of certificate.
Yes, you will get extra time if your first language is not english.

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Virtually Live Course
Enrolled: 0 students
Duration: 24 Hrs
Lectures: 12
Level: Practitioner



Become an Instructor

Become an Instructor:

Ideal for those capable professionals having outstanding subject knowledge and competence meeting TCB Criteria. and passion to train on behalf of can join us as an Approved Tutor. You will receive remuneration for the training where certification and administrations will be controlled by TCB. You will receive online access to TCB resources for training purpose.

You will be able to use TCB Logo as TCB Approved Tutor in your promotional materials including personal websites if you have one. You cannot advertise yourself to be approved by TCBโ€™s Accreditation and Approval Authorities e.g IRCA.

You can deliver both Virtual as well as in-person classroom-based training.For each Training you will be provided with an assignment based on Course run request.

Qualification Criteria: Please contact us to have greater understanding of our requirement and remuneration model.

(Must be fluent in English)

(Please combine PDF copies of relevant certificates if needed)

Quality Pledge:

1. I pledge to offer training with Zero tolerance to compromises fully in compliance to TCB Procedure and requirements developed as per the criteria set by its accreditation bodies

2. I will give my best to add value to the learners and the organization by offering training that meets best industry standards

3. . We will endeavour to enhance the name and reputation of TCB and Its accreditation bodies

4. I will fully cooperate with TCB in any investigation process just in case there is any compliant or appeal

Be a Marketing Partner

Become a Marketing Partner :

Ideal for those organizations with good market knowledge and ability to promote however does not have internal resources. e,g Competent tutor meeting TCB Criteria. You may join us as a marketing partner and share revenues while the training will be fully controlled by TCB.

You will be able to use TCB Logo as TCB Affiliated Partner in your promotional materials including websites. You cannot advertise your organization to be approved by TCB Accreditation and approval Autthorities. You can promote both Virtual as well as in person classroom-based training.

Quality Pledge:

1. We pledge to organize training with Zero tolerance to compromises fully in conformity to TCB Procedure and requirements developed as per the criteria set by its accreditation bodies
2.. We will endeavour to enhance the name and reputation of TCB and Its accreditation bodies.
3. We will fully cooperate with TCB in any investigation process just in case there is any compliant or appeal

Be a Training Partner

Become a Training Partner:

Ideal for those organizations with good market knowledge and ability to promote training with capable internal resources. e,g Competent tutor/s meeting TCB Criteria to deliver training in your approved jurisdiction . You may join us as an Affiliated Training Partner while the training will be promoted and conducted by you while certification and course administration shall be controlled by TCB.

You will be able to use TCB Logo as TCB Affiliated Training Partner in your promotional materials including websites. You cannot advertise your organization to be approved by TCBโ€™s Accreditation and Approval Autthorities

One of the advantages is that your organizational Logo will appear in the certificates issued to the learners by TCB as the Affiliated Training Partner delivering the training.

In this arrangement you will pay a course levy fees to TCB which includes Examination fee per candidates.

This arrangement is applicable only for in person Class either in classroom, Clientโ€™s premises and hotel as applicable. Virtual Training cannot be provided by the affiliated Training partners.

Quality Pledge:

1. We pledge to organize training with Zero tolerance to compromises fully in conformity to TCB Procedure and requirements developed as per the criteria set by its accreditation bodies
2.. We will endeavour to enhance the name and reputation of TCB and Its accreditation bodies.
3. We will fully cooperate with TCB in any investigation process just in case there is any compliant or appeal

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